Whirling Dervishes Pilaf

Sample Dishes from Turkish Cuisine

Whirling Dervishes Pilaf (
Mevlevi Pilavı)

Chickpeas3/5 cup100 gr
Water4 cup800 gr
Boneless lamb shoulder or leg - -500 gr
Chestnut1 3/4 cup250 gr
Carrot3 medium size250 gr
Onion1 medium size60 gr
Margarine6 tablespoon60 gr
Pinenut2 tablespoon20 gr
Rice2 cup360 gr
Salt3 teaspoon18 gr
Currant2 tablespoon20 gr
Black Pepper1/2 teaspoon1 gr
Allspice1/2 teaspoon1 gr


Soak chickpeas overnight with 1 1/4 cups of water. Add 1 1/4 cups of water. Cook for 40 minutes in a pressure saucepan. Remove from heat. Set aside. Cut meat into 2-2 1/2 cm (1 inch) cubes. Place in a saucepan. Cover and braise for 1 hour; or until tender; drain. Set aside. Boil chestnuts for 3-4 minutes. Peel while still hot; cool. Cut into 3-4 pieces. Cut pared (or scraped) carrots into 1 cm (1/2 inch) cubes. Add chestnuts and carrots to chickpeas. Cover and simmer for 20 minutes or until carrots are tender. Remove chickpeas, chestnuts and carrots from liquid. Complete volume of liquid to 3 1/3 cupa. Set aside. Saute fınely chopped onion and pinenut in a margarine for 7-8 minutes in a covered saucepan. Stir in rice and meat. Saute for a few minutes stirring frequently. Add hot water; mix well. Sprinkle with salt and currants. Cover and simmer for 15 minutes. Add chickpea mixture. Cover and simmer for 5 minutes or until rice is tender; drain. Sprinkle with spices. Remove from heat. Let stand covered for 20 minutes before serving. Toss slightly. Serve hot.

Servings: 6

Nutritional Value
(in approximately one serving)

Energy683 cal
Protein23,3 g
Fat29,7 g
Carbohydrates79,7 g
Calcium75 mg
Iron3,79 mg
Phosphorus306 mg
Zinc5 mg
Sodium1259 mg
Vitamin A4066 iu
Thiamine0,33 mg
Riboflavin0,27 mg
Niacin5,91 mg
Vitamin C2 mg
Cholesterol59 mg

Regional Characteristics:

This dish was cooked in the kitchens of Mevlana Celalettin Rumi, the famous Turkish Philosopher. It is served usually with cacık or hoşaf, for lunch or supper as a one course dish. The name implies the members of the order Dervishes founded bv Mevlana.