Eggs with Spinach (Garnished with Greeneries)

The Ottoman Cuisine

EGGS WITH SPINACH (GARNISHED WITH GREENERIES) (Ispanaklı Yumurta) (Yeşillikle Süslenmiş)

Spinach leaves are finely chopped, boiled in a little water, strained and put into a saucepan. Two medium-size onions for each half kilo of spinach are fried in oil after addition of salt to taste. The spinach is then transferred into a frying pan and pools are made in it with the backside of a tablespoon for each egg to be used. 10 grammes of ground meat is fried elsewhere in butter and placed into these pools and one egg is emptied into each of these pools. The mixture is removed from the fire when the yolks of egg are half-hardened.