AYKAÇ, Fazıl Ahmet

Poet and writer (b. 1884, İstanbul – d. 4 December 1967). After he completed his primary education at Numune-i Terakki School, he completed his secondary education at Musul High School and İstanbul Private French High School. Completing a correspondence course with the Paris Political Science and Law Advanced School, he worked as a teacher of philosophy, pedagogy and French in various schools in İstanbul. He worked at the Administration of General Debts. (1922-23). He served as a parliamentary deputy for Elazığ at the Turkish Grand National Assembly (1927-38).

He began his literary career with his poems as part of the “Dawn of the New Age Movement”. Then he wrote successful humorous poems. With these poems, he satirized many famous people from politics, the press and literature of the day. He published articles and informal essays on the subjects of education, philosophy and psychology in various newspapers and journals.


Divançe-i Fazıl (Poetry Booklet of Fazıl, poems in meter, 1913), Harman Sonu (End of the Harvest, poems, 1919), Kırpıntı (Clippings, poems, 1924), Şeytan Diyor ki (The Devil in Me Tells Me To, articles of various types, 1927), Tarih Dersi (History Lesson, 1928), Fazıl Ahmet (Fazıl Ahmet, selections from his articles, 1934).