Philosopher, translator, poet (b. 14 July 1948, Karamürsel / Kocaeli). He graduated from Turkish Education Foundation Ankara College and completed his postgraduate degree at Hacettepe University, Department of Psychology. He received his PhD at the university he graduated from and worked as a lecturer there (1971-1983) and as a guest lecturer at Tübingen (Germany, 1976-1977) and Victoria (New Zealand, 1981) universities and in some other universities (1972-83). In the following years he worked in several posts for press associations and as a freelance writer and translator. He made translations from Hume, Nietzche, Wittgenstein, Rike, Celan and Başo. The influence of philosophy is seen in his poems.


David Hume’un Bilgi Görüşünde Kesinlik (The Certainty in David Hume’s View of Knowledge, 1974), Note on the Selby-Biggi Hume (1976), Nesnenin Bağlantısallığı (The Relativity of the Object, 1979), The Hume Kant Read (1988), Tümceler (Sentences, 1990), De ki İşte (Say “Here”, 1990), Yürüme (Don’t Walk, 1992), Hani (You Know…, 1993), Ol/An (Be/Remember, 1994), Kesik Esin/tiler (Interrupted Breezes, 1994), Geç Gelen Ağıtlar (Late Coming Laments, 1994), Sayıklamalar (Deliriums, 1994), Uzak (Far, 1995), Yakın (Close, 1997), Ne ki Hiç (What is Nothing, Haiku essays, 1997), Haiku (Haiku, by Başo, collected and translated by Aruoba, 1998), İle (With, 1998), Ne-Otuzaltı Tanzaku (What-Thirty-Six Tanzaku, 1999), Çengelköy Defteri (Notebook of Çengelköy, 2001), Zilif (Zilif, 2002), Olmayalı (Since It Has Not Existed, 2003), Doğançay’ın Çınarları (The Plane Trees of Doğançay, 2004).