Journalist and writer (b. 10 October 1946, Yozgat). He attended the Yozgat Gazipaşa Primary School (1963) and graduated from İstanbul University, Faculty of Law (1968). He started in journalism as a writer for the newspaper Hergün (1967). He worked as a lawyer for a time (1973-78). He was imprisoned for being a board member of the Nationalist Action Party after 12 September 1980. After he was released, he became editor of the review Yankı. He worked as a columnist and editor-in-chief (1986-90) on the newspaper Tercüman and as a columnist for the newspaper Meydan (1992). He wrote a column in the newspaper Milliyet after 1993 and he was the General Director of CNN Türk from 1998.

His first work was published in the review Tercüman in 1979. His work has also been published in the reviews Türk Edebiyatı, Töre, Hamle and Türkiye Günlüğü other than Hergün, Yankı and Tercüman. He won the Writers Union of Türkiye Award (1980) with his work Politika ve Şiddet (Politics and Violence) and the Debate Section Award (2003) of the same organization with his program Eğrisiyle Doğrusuyla (the Wrong way, the Right way) that he prepared for CNN Türk. He is a member of the İstanbul Journalist Association.


STUDY -RESEARCH: Sovyet Stratejisi ve Türkiye (Soviet Strategy and Türkiye, 2 volumes, 1967), Leninsiz Komünizm (Communism without Lenin, 1979), Politikada Şiddet (Violence in Politics, 1980), 1980'lerde Türkiye (Türkiye in the 1980’s, 1980), Tarihten Geleceğe (From History to the Future, 1982), Haricilik ve Şia (The Sect of Khawarij and the Shiite, 1988), Azerbaycan Sovyetler ve Ötesi (Azerbaijan Soviets and the Beyond), Medine'den Lozan'a (From Medina to Lausanne), Bilim ve Yanılgı (Science and Delusion), Hayat Yolunda (On the Way of Life, 1997), Hayat Yolunda Gençler İçin Anılar ve Öneriler (Memories and Advice for the Young On their Way in Life, 1998), Osmanlı'da ve İran'da Mezhep ve Devlet (State and Sect in the Ottoman and Persian States, 1999), Hariciler ve Hizbullah-İslâm Toplumlarında Terörün Kökleri (The Khawarij and the Hizbullah - the Origins of Terrorism in Islamic Societies, 2000), Kitaplar Arasında (Among the Books, 2002).

INTERVIEW: Osmanlı Mirasından Cumhuriyet Türkiyesi'ne - İlber Ortaylı ile Konuşmalar (From Ottoman Heritage to the Republic of Türkiye – Interviews with İlber Ortaylı, 2002).