AKTAŞ, Cihan

Writer (b. 1960, Pınaryolu / Refahiye / Erzincan). She attended the Beşikdüzü Teacher Training High School (1977) and graduated from the İstanbul State Academy of Fine Arts, Faculty of Architecture (1982). After working as an architect for a short period of time (1982), she began to write articles in the newspapers Yeni Devir and Millî Gazete after 1980. She edited the pages for women in the Yeni Devir newspaper (1983-85). She was also a columnist in the same newspaper. Her travel notes were published in the review Mavera (1986), and her short stories, essays and translations appeared in Aylık Dergi (1986 – 88). Her articles were also published in the reviews Girişim, Bu Meydan, Kitap Dergisi, İzlenim, Kadın ve Aile, Kafdağı, Yeryüzü, Bilgi ve Hikmet, İslâmî Araştırmalar, Nehir, Dergâh; and in the newspapers such as Yeni Şafak and Gerçek Hayat.

Her book titled Son Büyülü Günler (The Last Charmed Days) and her literary stories, which has been published in the review Dergâh since 1992 were assessed as signs of a new era in her literary life. She collected the Writers Union of Türkiye Award with her book titled Son Büyülü Günler (The Last Haunted Days) in 1995; the Gençlik Dergisi Storywriter of the Year Award in 1997, the Novelist of the Year Award by the Writers Union of Türkiye with her book Bana Uzun Mektuplar Yaz (Write Long Letters to Me) in 2002. She is a member of the Writers Union of Türkiye.


ESSAYS – RESEARCH – BIOGRAPHY: Sömürü Odağında Kadın (The Women at the Focus of Exploitation, 1984), Hz. Fatma (Esteemed Fatma, 1984), Hz. Zeynep (Esteemed Zeynep, 1985), Veda Hutbesi (The Farewell Sermon of Esteemed Mohammad, 1985), Kadının Serüveni (The Adventure of Women, 1986), Pakistan Dosyası (The Pakistan File, 1987), Sistem İçinde Kadın (The Women in the System, 1988), Tanzimat'tan Günümüze Kılık Kıyafet ve İktidar (The Dress Code and Power from Tanzimat* to Present, 1989), Tesettür ve Toplum/Başörtülü Öğrencilerin Toplumsal Kökeni Üzerine Bir İnceleme (Veiling and the Society/A Study on the Social Roots of Turbaned Students, 1991), Modernizmin Evsizliği ve Ailenin Gerekliliği (The Homelessness of Modernism and the Necessity of Family, 1992), Mahremiyetin Tükenişi (The Exhaustion of Privacy, 1995), Devrim ve Kadın (The Revolution and Women, 1996), Şarkın Şiiri: İran Sineması (The Poetry of the East: Iranian Cinema, 1998), Bacı'dan Bayan'a: İslâmcı Kadınların Kamusal Alan Tecrübesi (From Sister to Lady: The Experience of Islamist Women in Public Area, 2001).

SHORT STORY: Üç İhtilal Çocuğu (The Child of Three Revolutions, 1991), Son Büyülü Günler (The Last Haunted Days, 1995), Acı Çekmiş Yüzünde (Sorrow on Her Face, 1996), Azizenin Son Günü (The Last Day of the Saint, 1997), Suya Düşen Dantel (The Lace Dropped into Water, 1999), Ağzı Var Dili Yok Şehrazat (The Mute Shahrazad, 2001).

NOVEL: Bana Uzun Mektuplar Yaz (Write Long Letters to Me, 2002).