Murat the 4th

Department of Publications

Book Reviews

Title of the Book : Murat the 4th
Author, Prep., Trans., etc. : Turan OFLAZOĞLU
Type : Theatre
Printing: 2nd Edition
Printing Year : 1999
Subject No. : 812.42
Number of Pages: XII, 202 pages
Size : 20 cm
Publication No. : 903
Name of Series : Arts-Theatre Series
Series No. : 236-4
ISBN : 975-17-0277-1
Number of Printed Copies: 3000
Price : 900.000.- TL

Content: This play shows us the drama of a sultan who is working as hard as he can to be able to settle the public chaos. It tells of the imaginary inner chaos, his fight and at the end his death after resolving chaos outside. This book has been published due to the anniversary of the 700th year of the establishment of the Ottoman Empire.