The reports which you will submit during the International Symposium of Excavations, Surveys and Archaometry


        The reports which you wili submit during the International Symposium of Excavations, Surveys and Archaeometry will be published as usual.
        In order to receive a qualitative print and to complete the publication on time, we kindily request you to send the texts of your reports within the context of form mentioned below:
        1-The vvritings to be on A4 paper, not exceeding the writing space of 13.5x19 cm. with Helvetica or times font in 10pts. Kindly pay attention to using dashes (-) when necessary in the text the line spacings to be 10 pts. and the text to be maximum 10 pages (This will establish us to complete our studies in a short time with much care).
        -The title to be written in 14 pts, bold, line spacings to be 14 pts.
        -Footnotes to be vvritten below the text, with their numbers indicated within the text, in 8 pts a the page where it is mentioned, and the line spacings to be in 8 pts.
        -At the footnotes and the bibliography, the names of the books and the periodicals to bt vvritten in Italic character.
        2-The total number of îhe drawings and the pictures to be at most 15 (pictures over the number of 15 will be omitted by us), kindly never stick or band them. Please give numbers and the name of the researcher at the back of the drawings and the photographs, and indicate the directions of the arrows. The drawings to be made on "tracing paper" not exceeding the sizes of 13.5x19 cm. Photographs are to be clear to get good prints and printed on photography papers. Please don't send the photocopies of the photographs. !f it is possible, you are requested to scan the photographs and to save on CD as JPG on a separate file out of the text with 300 pixe!/inch; colour of mods of thesc photographs must be CMYK or Grayscale; photographs to be îaken by digital camera, to be printed or photograph cards, but not on coloured, white and black computer prints.
        3-Please write (drawing) for the drawings (fig.) for the figures, pictures, and (map) for the maps as subtitie and please do not use table system.
        4-Kindly vvrite your name, title and communication adüress on the papers.
        5-lf Macintosh is used; reports to be vvritten under "Quark" or Word (5.0)
If PC is used; Microsoft Word 98, its extensions, and DOC or RFT should be used.
Please send the print out of the text that together with loading the text on a (new) diskette or CD.
        6-The print out of the text you will send and the text in the diskette or CD, should be compatible . (or else the text in the diskette/CD will be accepted) with each other.
        7-ln order to enable us to use in the design of the posters of the International Symposium o Excavations Surveys and Archaeometry, kindly send at least 1 slide (dia-positive) about the excavations and surveys studies of that year.
        As the reports to be published are inereased eachyear we have difficulties to print them on time. For this reason, kindly give your texts during the symposium or send until August 1, to the below address:

Kültür Varlıkları ve Müzeler Genel Müdürlüğü, Yayınlar Şubesi Müdürlüğü.
2. TBMM 06100 Ulus / ANKARA

Please note that the delayed texts will not be published and will not be sent back to their owners. They wiil be kept in the arehives of our General Directorate.