NAKİPLER, Sabri Galip

Poet (b. 1940, Adıyaman). He completed his primary and secondary education in Darende, Kiğı and Adıyaman. He graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Language, History and Geography. He began as a journalist with Demokrat Adıyaman newspaper, which his father published. He worked at Ulus newspaper during his school years. After working as a literature teacher at Şişli High School for many years and at several schools in İstanbul from 1959, he retired. After he retired, he continued his profession at private schools.

He was arrested for a while with the charge of insulting the government’s moral character in his poem Adam 3 (Man 3). He was also known for his poem Anama Mektup (Letter to My Mother). Not only rich images but also formal precision were striking in his skilful lyric poems in which he successfully used prosody, syllabic and free meter. He is one of the master poets of recent times but is not well known.


Dünyam (My World, 1994), Sağanak Altında (Under the Downpour, 1996), Sırılsıklam, Yapayalnız, Çırılçıplak (Soaked, All Alone, Stark Naked, 2000).